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2025/02/26 |
Yifeng Chu, Maxim Raginsky, Talagrand Meets Talagrand: Upper and Lower Bounds on Expected Soft Maxima of Gaussian Processes with Finite Index Sets, 2502.06709 [PDF] |
2025/02/19 |
Eugène FERRAGU |
Kesten-Stigum following R. Lyons and Y. Peres. Probability on Trees and Networks. Cambridge University Press, October 2016. ISBN 9781316672815. URL:, doi:10.1017/9781316672815. |
2025/02/12 |
Barbara Dembin, Dor Elboim, Ron Peled, On the influence of edges in first-passage percolation on $\mathbb{Z}^d$, 2307.01162 [PDF] |
2025/02/05 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Ivailo Hartarsky, Lyuben Lichev, Explosive appearance of cores and bootstrap percolation on lattices, 2501.18976 [PDF] |
2025/01/22 |
Arthur Blanc-Renaudie, Camille Cazaux, Guillaume Conchon-Kerjan, Tanguy Lions, Arvind Singh, A phase transition for the biased tree-builder random walk, 2412.20852 [PDF] |
2024/12/13 |
Eugène FERRAGU |
Michel Benaïm, Claude Lobry, Lotka Volterra in fluctuating environment or “how switching between beneficial environments can make survival harder”, 1412.1107 [PDF] |
2024/11/29 |
Fardad POURAN |
Kyprianos-Iason Prodromidis, Allan Sly, Polynomial Mixing of the critical Glauber Dynamics for the Ising Model, 2411.10318 [PDF] |
2024/11/21 |
Chloé MIAN |
Ewain Gwynne, Jiaqi Liu, Inverting the operation of conditioning a branching process on extinction, 2411.06301 [PDF] |
2024/11/15 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Madeline Brown, Christopher Hoffman, Hyojeong Son, Activated Random Walks on $\mathbb{Z}$ with Critical Particle Density, 2411.07609 [PDF] |
2024/11/06 |
Ritvik Ramanan Radhakrishnan, Vincent Tassion, Strict inequalities for arm exponents in planar percolation, 2410.23250 [PDF] |
2024/10/16 |
David A. Croydon, Umberto De Ambroggio, Triple collisions on a comb graph, 2410.04882 [PDF] |
2024/10/09 |
Fardad POURAN |
Sergey Bocharov, Simon C. Harris, Bastien Mallein, The longest branches in a non-Markovian phylogenetic tree, 2410.02444 [PDF] |
2024/10/02 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Jhon Astoquillca, On the stationary measures of two variants of the voter model, 2409.16064 [PDF] |
2024/09/25 |
Avelio Sepúlveda, Bruno Ziliotto, The game behind oriented percolation, 2408.13796 [PDF] |
2024/09/19 |
Joseph Chen, Reza Gheissari, Eyal Lubetzky, Logarithmic delocalization of low temperature 3D Ising and Potts interfaces above a hard floor, 2409.06079 [PDF] |
2024/06/19 |
Chiranjib Mukherjee, Konstantin Recke, Coarse embeddability, $L^1$-compression and Percolations on General Graphs, 2406.04222 [PDF] |
2024/05/29 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Laurin Köhler-Schindler, Aurelio L. Sulser, Critical probabilities for positively associated, finite-range dependent percolation models, 2405.07345 [PDF] |
2024/05/15 |
Alberto M. Campos, First order of the renewal covering of the natural numbers, 2405.05793 [PDF] |
2024/05/06 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Tom Hutchcroft, Pointwise two-point function estimates and a non-pertubative proof of mean-field critical behaviour for long-range percolation, 2404.07276 [PDF] |
2024/04/10 |
Tejas OKE |
Luc Devroye, Austin Eide, Pawel Pralat, Burning Random Trees, 2404.01545 [PDF] |
2024/04/03 |
Jan-Luka FATRAS |
Matthias Birkner, Alice Callegaro, Jiří Černý, Nina Gantert, Pascal Oswald, Survival and complete convergence for a branching annihilating random walk, 2304.09127 [PDF] |
2024/03/20 |
Elia Bisi, Fabio Deelan Cunden, $λ$-shaped random matrices, $λ$-plane trees, and $λ$-Dyck paths, 2403.07418 [PDF] |
2024/03/13 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Rupert Li, Elchanan Mossel, Benjamin Weiss, Monotonicity, Topology, and Convexity of Recurrence in Random Walks, 2403.04108 [PDF] |
2024/03/06 |
Yan-Luka FATRAS |
Noé Cuneo, Vojkan Jakšić, Claude-Alain Pillet, Armen Shirikyan, Large Deviations and Fluctuation Theorem for Selectively Decoupled Measures on Shift Spaces, 1712.09038 [PDF] |
2024/02/21 |
Damis EL ALAMI |
Frédérique Bassino, Mathilde Bouvel, Valentin Féray, Lucas Gerin, Adeline Pierrot, Dense and nondense limits for uniform random intersection graphs, 2402.06394 [PDF] |
2024/02/14 |
Tejas OKE |
Ryan O’Donnell, Michael Saks, Oded Schramm, Rocco A. Servedio, Every decision tree has an influential variable, cs/0508071 [PDF] |
2024/02/07 |
Jungeun Park, Douglas Rizzolo, A Galton-Watson tree approach to local limits of permutations avoiding a pattern of length three, 2401.01957 [PDF] |
2024/01/31 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Zoé Varin, The golf model on $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$ and on $\mathbb{Z}$, 2401.13380 [PDF] |
2023/11/15 |
Chloë MIAN |
Douglas T. Pfeffer, J. Darby Smith, William Severa, Induced Distributions from Generalized Unfair Dice, 2309.07366 [PDF] |
2023/11/08 |
Rodrigo Ribeiro, Renewal structure of the Tree Builder Random Walk, 2310.19190 [PDF] |
2023/10/18 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Guillaume Blanc, Percolation with invariant Poisson processes of lines in the $3$-regular tree, 2310.09286 [PDF] |
2023/10/04 |
Fardad POURAN |
Ahmed Bou-Rabee, William Cooperman, Shirshendu Ganguly, Unique continuation on planar graphs, 2309.13728 [PDF] |
2023/09/27 |
Oleksii Galganov, Andrii Ilienko, Short cycles of random permutations with cycle weights: point processes approach, 2309.10721 [PDF] |
2023/09/20 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Natasa Dragovic, Francois Baccelli, On the Poisson Follower Model, 2309.04864 [PDF] |
2023/05/22 |
Michael Goldman, Dario Trevisan, On the concave one-dimensional random assignment problem and Young integration theory, 2305.09234 [PDF] |
2023/05/15 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Nikita Gladkov, A strong FKG inequality for multiple events, 2305.02653 [PDF] |
2023/05/04 |
Matthias Birkner, Alice Callegaro, Jiří Černý, Nina Gantert, Pascal Oswald, Survival and complete convergence for a branching annihilating random walk, 2304.09127 [PDF] |
2023/04/24 |
Rangel Baldasso, Marcelo R. Hilario, Daniel Kious, Augusto Teixeira, Fluctuation bounds for symmetric random walks on dynamic environments via Russo-Seymour-Welsh, 2304.05771 [PDF] |
2023/04/17 |
Fardad POURAN |
Elisabetta Candellero, Tom Hutchcroft, On the boundary at infinity for branching random walk, 2205.15287 [PDF] |
2023/04/03 |
Vivek DEWAN |
Alice Contat, Nicolas Curien, Perrine Lacroix, Etienne Lasalle, Vincent Rivoirard, Eve, Adam and the Preferential Attachment Tree, 2303.04752 [PDF] |
2023/03/20 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Diederik van Engelenburg, Marcin Lis, On the duality between height functions and continuous spin models, 2303.08596 [PDF] |
2023/03/13 |
Krzysztof Burdzy, Shi Feng, Daisuke Shiraishi, On the size of earthworm’s trail, 2303.02742 [PDF] |
2023/02/27 |
Vivek DEWAN |
Jürgen Angst, Dominique Malicet, Guillaume Poly, Almost sure behavior of the critical points of random polynomials, 2301.06973 [PDF] |
2023/01/12 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Barbara Dembin, Subcritical sharpness for multiscale Boolean percolation, 2301.01632 [PDF] |
2023/01/04 |
Jie Xiong, Shuxiong Zhang, On the empty balls of a critical or subcritical branching random walk, 2212.12833 [PDF] |
2022/12/07 |
Vivek DEWAN |
D. H. J. Polymath, The probability that a random triple of dice is transitive, 2211.16156 [PDF] |
2022/11/23 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Andrea Ottolini, Stefan Steinerberger, Guessing cards with complete feedback, 2211.09094 [PDF] |
2022/11/09 |
Karthik Natarajan, Arjun Kodagehalli Ramachandra, Colin Tan, Probability bounds for $n$ random events under $(n-1)$-wise independence, 2211.01596 [PDF] |
2022/10/21 |
Vivek DEWAN |
Bhargav Narayanan, Corrine Yap, Reconstructing random pictures, 2210.09410 [PDF] |
2022/10/14 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Robin Kaiser, Ecaterina Sava-Huss, Random rotor walks and i.i.d. sandpiles on Sierpinski graphs, 2210.00810 [PDF] |
2022/09/29 |
Ayat Ababneh, Matthew Kahle, Maximal persistence in random clique complexes, 2209.05713 [PDF] |
2022/06/16 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Pablo Groisman, Ruojun Huang, Hernan Vivas, The Kuramoto model on dynamic random graphs, 2206.02642 [PDF] |
2022/05/19 |
Vivek DEWAN |
Thomas Richthammer, Bunkbed conjecture for complete bipartite graphs and related classes of graphs, 2204.12931 [PDF] |
2022/05/05 |
Romain DURAND |
M. Aizenman. Translation invariance and instability of phase coexistence in the two dimensional ising system. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 73(1):83–94, May 1980. URL:, doi:10.1007/bf01942696. |
2022/04/28 |
Fardad POURAN |
Mathew D. Penrose, Giant component of the soft random geometric graph, 2204.10219 [PDF] |
2022/04/07 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Jinyoung Park, Huy Tuan Pham, A Proof of the Kahn-Kalai Conjecture, 2203.17207 [PDF] |
2022/03/17 |
Vivek DEWAN |
Itai Benjamini, Oded Schramm, Oriented Random Walk on the Heisenberg Group and Percolation, 2202.01519 [PDF] |
2022/03/10 |
Fardad POURAN |
Christian Hirsch, Benedikt Jahnel, Stephen Muirhead, Sharp phase transition for Cox percolation, 2203.01251 [PDF] |
2022/03/03 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Pablo A. Gomes, Otávio Lima, Roger W C Silva, Percolation of words on the hypercubic lattice with one-dimensional long-range interactions, 2202.13190 [PDF] |
2022/02/10 |
Vivek DEWAN |
Svante Janson, Baptiste Louf, Unicellular maps vs hyperbolic surfaces in large genus: simple closed curves, 2111.11903 [PDF] |
2022/02/03 |
Fardad POURAN |
Jean Bertoin, A model for an epidemic with contact tracing and cluster isolation, and a detection paradox, 2201.01924 [PDF] |
2022/01/20 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
D Vo, The oscillating random walk on $\mathbb{Z}$, 2201.01515 [PDF] |
2021/12/02 |
Vivek DEWAN |
Tom Hutchcroft, Petar Nizić-Nikolac, Alexander Kent, The bunkbed conjecture holds in the $p\uparrow 1$ limit, 2110.00282 [PDF] |
2021/11/25 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Georg Braun, Boolean percolation on digraphs and random exchange processes, 2111.04772 [PDF] |
2021/11/18 |
Fardad POURAN |
Nina Gantert, Achim Klenke, The tail of the length of an excursion in a trap of random size, 2111.03028 [PDF] |
2021/10/21 |
Charles MEDOUS |
Alexei D. Chepelianskii, Satya N. Majumdar, Hendrik Schawe, Emmanuel Trizac, One-dimensional Monte Carlo dynamics at zero temperature, 2110.04188 [PDF] |
2021/10/14 |
Vivek DEWAN |
Sourav Chatterjee, Persi Diaconis, Isomorphisms between random graphs, 2108.04323 [PDF] |
2021/10/07 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Valdivino V. Junior, Pablo M. Rodriguez, Adalto Speroto, Stochastic rumors on random trees, 2109.02564 [PDF] |
2021/09/30 |
Fardad POURAN |
Rafael Chiclana, Yuval Peres, No cutoff in Spherically symmetric trees, 2107.14111 [PDF] |
2021/09/23 |
Vivek DEWAN |
Noah Halberstam, Tom Hutchcroft, What are the limits of universality?, 2106.13218 [PDF] |
2021/06/15 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Hao Huang, Induced subgraphs of hypercubes and a proof of the Sensitivity Conjecture, 1907.00847 [PDF] |
2021/06/08 |
Romain DURAND |
Caio Alves, Gideon Amir, Rangel Baldasso, Augusto Teixeira, Percolation phase transition on planar spin systems, 2105.13314 [PDF] |
2021/05/25 |
Fardad POURAN |
Jean Bertoin, Counterbalancing steps at random in a random walk, 2011.14069 [PDF] |
2021/05/12 |
Vivek DEWAN |
Ivan Matic, Waiting Times for Ties in Random Competitions, 2105.01310 [PDF] |
2021/05/04 |
Corentin FAIPEUR |
Alexei Borodin, Persi Diaconis, Jason Fulman, On adding a list of numbers (and other one-dependent determinantal processes), 0904.3740 [PDF] |
2020/11/10 |
Nicolas FRILET |
Pim van der Hoorn, Gabor Lippner, Carlo Trugenberger, Dmitri Krioukov, Ollivier curvature of random geometric graphs converges to Ricci curvature of their Riemannian manifolds, 2009.04306 [PDF] |
2020/10/22 |
Vivek DEWAN |
Kieran Ryan, The Manhattan and Lorentz Mirror Models – A result on the Cylinder with low density of mirrors, 2010.03609 [PDF] |
2020/10/15 |
Patricia Goncalves, Claudio Landim, Cristina Toninelli, Hydrodynamic Limit for a Particle System with degenerate rates, 0704.2242 [PDF] |
2020/03/13 |
Fardad POURAN |
Nicholas R. Beaton, Geoffrey R. Grimmett, Mark Holmes, Alignment percolation, 1908.07203 [PDF] |
2020/03/06 |
Nicolas FRILET |
Júlia Komjáthy, Gergely Ódor, The metric dimension of critical Galton-Watson trees and linear preferential attachment trees, 2002.08503 [PDF] |
2020/02/21 |
Cédric Bernardin, Raphaël Chetrite, Reda Chhaibi, Joseph Najnudel, Clément Pellegrini, Spiking and collapsing in large noise limits of SDEs, 1810.05629 [PDF] |
2020/02/14 |
Romain DURAND |
Linglong Yuan, Kingman’s model with random mutation probabilities: convergence and condensation II, 2001.07878 [PDF] |
2020/01/31 |
Timur Yastrzhembskiy, A note on the strong Feller property of diffusion processes, 2001.09919 [PDF] |
2020/01/24 |
Vivek DEWAN |
Stephen Muirhead, Hugo Vanneuville, The sharp phase transition for level set percolation of smooth planar Gaussian fields, 1806.11545 [PDF] |
2020/01/17 |
Mondher Damak, Mayssa Hammami, Claude-Alain Pillet, A Detailed Fluctuation Theorem for Heat Fluxes in Harmonic Networks out of Thermal Equilibrium, 1905.03536 [PDF] |
2019/12/13 |
Fardad POURAN |
Hugo Duminil-Copin, Gady Kozma, Vincent Tassion, Upper bounds on the percolation correlation length, 1902.03207 [PDF] |
2019/12/06 |
Nicolas FRILET |
Paolo Dai Pra, Marco Formentin, Guglielmo Pelino, Oscillatory behavior in a model of non-Markovian mean field interacting spins, 1911.05373 [PDF] |
2019/11/22 |
Romain DURAND |
Pierre Nolin, Vincent Tassion, Augusto Teixeira, No exceptional words for Bernoulli percolation, 1911.04816 [PDF] |
2019/02/13 |
Nicolas FRILET |
Eleanor Archer, Brownian motion on stable looptrees, 1902.01713 [PDF] |
2019/02/06 |
Romain DURAND |
Tom Hutchcroft, New critical exponent inequalities for percolation and the random cluster model, 1901.10363 [PDF] |
2019/01/30 |
Alejandro RIVERA |
exposé inaugural 2019 |
2018/11/27 |
Cong Bang HUYNH |
Julien Brémont, Random walk in a stratified independent random environment, 1811.07562 [PDF] |
2018/11/20 |
Nicolas FRILET |
Ludovic Stephan, Laurent Massoulié, Robustness of spectral methods for community detection, 1811.05808 [PDF] |
2018/11/13 |
Romain DURAND |
Alexander Glazman, Ioan Manolescu, Exponential decay in the loop $O(n)$ model: $n> 1$, $x<\tfrac{1}{\sqrt{3}}+\varepsilon(n)$, 1810.11302 [PDF] |
2018/11/06 |
Alejandro RIVERA |
Frank Aurzada, Marvin Kettner, Persistence exponents via perturbation theory: AR(1)-processes, 1810.09861 [PDF] |
2018/10/23 |
Nicolas FRILET |
Ahmed Sid-Ali, Khader Khadraoui, Asymptotic adaptive threshold for connectivity in a random geometric social network, 1810.06479 [PDF] |
2018/10/16 |
Cong Bang HUYNH |
Andrea Collevecchio, Cong Bang Huynh, Daniel Kious, The branching-ruin number as critical parameter of random processes on trees, 1811.08058 [PDF] |
2018/10/09 |
Romain DURAND |
Ahad N. Zehmakan, Two Phase Transitions in Two-way Bootstrap Percolation, 1809.10764 [PDF] |
2018/10/02 |
Alejandro RIVERA |
Jian Ding, Ofer Zeitouni, Fuxi Zhang, Heat kernel for Liouville Brownian motion and Liouville graph distance, 1807.00422 [PDF] |
2018/06/12 |
Nicolas FRILET |
Christian Schmidt, Henry D. Pfister, Lenka Zdeborová, On Minimal Sets to Destroy the $k$-Core in Random Networks, 1806.03134 [PDF] |
2018/06/05 |
Cong Bang HUYNH |
Debbie Burdinski, Shrey Gupta, Matthew Junge, The upper threshold in ballistic annihilation, 1805.10969 [PDF] |
2018/05/29 |
Romain DURAND |
Margherita Disertori, Alessandro Giuliani, Ian Jauslin, Plate-nematic phase in three dimensions, 1805.05700 [PDF] |
2018/05/22 |
Nicolas FRILET |
Kay Bogerd, Rui M. Castro, Remco van der Hofstad, Cliques in rank-1 random graphs: the role of inhomogeneity, 1805.01688 [PDF] |
2018/05/15 |
Alejandro RIVERA |
Zhan Shi, Vladas Sidoravicius, He Song, Longmin Wang, Kainan Xiang, Uniform spanning forests associated with biased random walks on Euclidean lattices, 1805.01615 [PDF] |
2018/04/24 |
Max Fathi, Stein kernels and moment maps, 1804.04699 [PDF] |
2018/04/10 |
Cong Bang HUYNH |
Krzysztof Zajkowski, Norms of sub-exponential random vectors, 1804.00205 [PDF] |
2018/04/03 |
Romain DURAND |
Sébastien Martineau, Franco Severo, Strict monotonicity of percolation thresholds under covering maps, 1803.09686 [PDF] |
2018/03/27 |
Nicolas FRILET |
Olle Häggström, Timo Hirscher, Water transport on infinite graphs, 1803.05907 [PDF] |
2018/03/20 |
Armen Shirikyan, Controllability implies mixing II. Convergence in the dual-Lipschitz metric, 1803.01893 [PDF] |
2018/03/13 |
Cong Bang HUYNH |
Jean-Baptiste Gouéré, Marie Théret, Equivalence of some subcritical properties in continuum percolation, 1803.00793 [PDF] |
2018/02/27 |
Romain DURAND |
Sunil Chhita, Fabio Lucio Toninelli, A (2+1)-dimensional Anisotropic KPZ growth model with a smooth phase, 1802.05493 [PDF] |
2018/02/13 |
Nicolas FRILET |
Noah Forman, Soumik Pal, Douglas Rizzolo, Matthias Winkel, Projections of the Aldous chain on binary trees: Intertwining and consistency, 1802.00862 [PDF] |
2018/02/06 |
Davit Martirosyan, Vahagn Nersesyan, Multiplicative ergodic theorem for a non-irreducible random dynamical system, 1801.09440 [PDF] |
2018/01/30 |
Romain DURAND |
Fabio Martinelli, Robert Morris, Cristina Toninelli, Universality results for kinetically constrained spin models in two dimensions, 1801.01934 [PDF] |
2018/01/23 |
Nicolas FRILET |
Gabor Lugosi, Alan S. Pereira, Finding the seed of uniform attachment trees, 1801.01816 [PDF] |
2017/12/08 |
Laure Dumaz, Cyril Labbé, Localization of the continuous Anderson Hamiltonian in $1$-d, 1711.04700 [PDF] |
2017/12/01 |
Alejandro RIVERA |
François Bienvenu, Positive association of the oriented percolation cluster in randomly oriented graphs, 1711.08815 [PDF] |
2017/11/24 |
Cong Bang HUYNH |
Jérémie Bettinelli, Convergence of uniform noncrossing partitions toward the Brownian triangulation, 1711.04872 [PDF] |
2017/11/17 |
Romain DURAND |
Julian Gold, Isoperimetry in supercritical bond percolation in dimensions three and higher, 1602.05598 [PDF] |
2017/11/10 |
Nicolas FRILET |
Ewain Gwynne, Nina Holden, Xin Sun, A mating-of-trees approach for graph distances in random planar maps, 1711.00723 [PDF] |
2017/10/27 |
Mihail Bazhba, Jose Blanchet, Chang-Han Rhee, Bert Zwart, Sample-path large deviations for Lévy processes and random walks with Weibull increments, 1710.04013 [PDF] |
2017/10/20 |
Alejandro RIVERA |
Benjamin Mackey, Dapeng Zhan, Multipoint Estimates for Radial and Whole-plane SLE, 1710.04261 [PDF] |
2017/10/13 |
Romain DURAND |
Caio T. M. Alves, Marcelo Hilário, Bernardo N. B. de Lima, Daniel Valesin, A note on truncated long-range percolation with heavy tails on oriented graphs, 1709.09757 [PDF] |
2017/10/06 |
Cong Bang HUYNH |
Antonio Auffinger, Dylan Cable, Pemantle’s min-plus binary tree, 1709.07849 [PDF] |
2017/09/25 |
Nicolas FRILET |
Tom Hutchcroft, The Hammersley-Welsh bound for self-avoiding walk revisited, 1708.09460 [PDF] |